People say that the only thing in life we can really count on is change. It’s annoying. I want to count on cozier, more comforting things than change.  Good old dependable change. I guess it’s true, though. I’m trying to think of things in my life upon which I can count that are static, and other than silly answers like “gravity”, I’m not coming up with much. I don’t mind big changes. I’m flexible and adaptable and I tend to land on my feet. But, pull my favorite TV show off the air or discontinue one of my favorite products and I’m sent into a tail-spin of disillusionment, anger and anxiety.  

By the way, the price for the live streaming of the Chef Showcase Hot Chefs, Cool Kitchen – is going to change. It’s going up from $157.00 to $197.00 at midnight on August 19th. So – you should purchase yours right now and avoid that bit of predictable discomfort. Or come see it – it’s next week and we still have a couple seats left in our studio audience. If you’re local you should give my super fantastic roommate Amanda a call and see if she has any spots left for volunteers. However you do it, you really shouldn’t miss this chance to see all these fabulous chefs presenting cutting edge recipes from the ever changing world of gourmet raw cuisine.

Okay. We can count on zucchini in August. We can count on school starting back up soon. We can count on fog in Fort Bragg, evidently.  And hopefully we can count on ourselves. And if we can’t, we can change.