This weekend I harvested the last of the carrots. What we don’t eat this coming week I shredded and froze to use as filler in soups or in making carrot bread.  There is Swiss chard left in the garden I will also harvest. I wonder if they will make good chips like kale does. I just “Googled” for a chard chip recipe and found some – yeah!

Besides the lime mousse I still need to make, I will try another of Mary Elizabeth’s recipes: stuffed mushrooms. She puts mushroom stems, soaked almonds, nutritional yeast, olive oil, salt & pepper to taste in a food processor and then she stuffs the mushroom caps. She and her daughter, Bridget, said they were great – hope Archie thinks so!

I am so excited about the Hot Raw Chef Sweet Valentine contest, especially since the prize is for $5,000 in Living Light Classes and/or the Living Light Inn: what a treat! Some of the entries are former students, but not all. This just shows that our world RAWks! knitting by ocean

It wasn’t an all food weekend: we also went to the ocean. In the morning it was so bright and sunny that as soon as I harvested the carrots, and Archie finished working in the lavender garden, we headed to the 10 Mile River beach. By then it was overcast. Oh well, I sat in a chair knitting and watching the waves roll in and the dogs run from them! Archie walked along the coast line looking for “finds”. What he found this time were mussels. When he returned I looked at him and noticed that his beard and mustache was full of mist. Yes, it was cold, but we had fun anyway.