Our garden is truly taking off. Saturday Archie and I had a wrap for lunch. I learned about wraps during FUNdamentals: take lettuce and whatever you have in the kitchen and wrap the lettuce around it for a sandwich. I took a leaf of kale, spinach, red romaine, green romaine, red leaf lettuce, and kale again and layered it with leftovers in the refrigerator. I also put mini peppers (not from our garden) on the plate and a glass each of our cool well water. Heaven!

 On Sunday we went wine tasting at Esterlina’s where they also provided a barbeque for the club members. The best salad was blueberries, strawberries and raspberries without a sauce of any kind. The shish kabobs were great with green and yellow squash, peppers and my favorite: red onions. The onions were so sweet!

Humpback whale breach,

 We went to a couple of other wineries afterward. I wanted to go to Handley’s Winery as they had said our favorite white wine, Brightliner, would be offered this August. In September of 2001 Archie proposed to me with that wine in one of the glens on our property.  We’ve always celebrated our anniversary with that wine. Three years ago they discontinued the wine. My friend Sandi – who also loves Brightliner – always complains about the lack of our favorite wine during the Whale Watch Festival. Last March we complained again and the woman – who recognized us of course – was so happy to tell us that it would be available again this August. Hooray! They had it! We bought ½ a case of it to have it on hand. Of course we gave a bottle to Sandi as well.

Speaking of celebrations, the Chef Showcase Hot Chefs, Cool Kitchen – is next week! It’s sure to be a real celebration of raw culinary arts. There’s also a non- hosted dinner offered to our studio audience, presenters, etc., by Living Light and the Stanford Inn. The dinner will be at the Stanford’s Ravens’ Restaurant – recently featured in O Magazine. The menu looks delicious; featuring fresh, local produce it’s a vegan’s dream come true. And the atmosphere at Ravens’ is quite romantic. If you’re coming to the Chef Showcase, you really shouldn’t miss this special dinner.