queen It’s the New Year and that means it is time to treat ourselves like Kings and Queens. Taking care of ourselves as we step into 2011 can take many forms. Does it mean honoring the body by feeding it the food that best nourishes and satisfies? Is it time to take up that exercise program you’ve been longing for? You know you have! Here at Living Light we have a can-do attitude. Raw for 30 Days is the way we are beginning…how we will progress will be interesting and (we hope) inspiring! The New Year always brings the feeling that ANYTHING is possible, so why not? Take the plunge and take good care of yourself in 2011.

My son visited for 10 days this holiday season, and while the weather was a bit grungy until these last two days, he managed to do some wild mushroom collecting in the woods, and we took some beautiful long walks, had some great talks, and just enjoyed each other’s company. Oh, and we went to a heavy metal concert at Caspar Inn. My friend and blog sister Mary Elizabeth’s boyfriend Wes is in Shredead Metal, and although I’ve never before stepped foot in such a concert, they were very entertaining, and will give my son something to “dine out on” as they say, when he returns to work in the Yukon. Skies may be cloudy and grey in Mendocino County but we are never dull here. Wild Mushrooms

simon in mendo And so, the beat goes on….are we ready for the challenge of creating the life we truly want and deserve? Cherie will do a Global Teleconference next Monday: Make Your Passion for Health Your Career on January 10, 2011 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time (5:00 PM Pacific Time. Just in time to be the change you want to see–you can do it!