Marcella Ray

Marcella Ray left Living Light last Friday. She has been here since July 8th – a total of 70 days. She has taken every class possible during this time and according to her they have been “completely worth every penny!” She has made it a habit to stop in at the office at least once a day to give and receive hugs. “Honey! Life is too short not to enjoy yourself!” Not only will we miss her hugs, her witticisms, but most of all her smiles. Even when she was concentrating on what she was learning, she always has a smile for you. We will miss you Marcella; now you go and RAWK your part of the world!

This last weekend Archie and I rushed to put the split wood away into the wood shed. Of course we did not make it as we have so much still yet to do. And though it rained all day on Sunday – ¾ inch of rain – it was not enough to hurt the wood. We will be doing it some more throughout this month.

Kingsolver's Book Cover

It was pleasant on Sunday to watch old movies such as Desk Set with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn and a fairly newer one, 10,000 BC , while also knitting on our soon to be born granddaughter’s baby afghan. They choose white, tan, and pink stripes and some wonderful soft yarn. So yummy to knit!

We also read out loud from Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, a Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver and her family. It was awesome reading about growing organic gardens: tomatoes, asparagus, cherries, and so much more. Yes, it was a nice weekend.