We have a new group of students coming to Living Light on Saturday to begin an Associate Chef and Instructor training. It’s always exciting to meet them and their anticipation of incorporating work with what they love is infectious. I’m so grateful to have a job that incorporates so many things I love. I get to talk on the phone, write and I have access to fabulous raw desserts. What’s not to love about that? If you don’t love your work, maybe it’s time for reinvention. Even if it’s unrealistic to reinvent your actual job, you can always reinvent your response to it. Practice being grateful for the opportunity to pay your bills, or remember to appreciate the people you work with as individuals. Just like raw food chefs create recipes that reinvent cooked favorites, we can make any situation work for us if we approach it with love.

Speaking of appreciating the people I work with, our own Inga Petersen, graphic designer extraordinaire, is participating in a group show this month at the Mendocino Art Center. My lovely and talented friend, Laura Pope, has some pieces in the show as well. The show is called Work and Love and promises to be super fantastic! I can’t wait to see it this Saturday for the opening reception. Inga’s art is an extension of herself in the true sense – her soul shines through it. Each piece is a work of love. I’m honored to share an office with her. She makes work easy to love.