We have been working every day these past two weeks to make sure our culinary showcase was a success. I believe it was. Every chance I got I would ask an attendee if he or she thought this year was enjoyable. Without exception the answers came back: “Loved it!” “I learned so much!” “It is amazing what you can do with a tomato!”

One student I asked said it was the perfect ending to the six week course of Gourmet Raw Food Chef Certification. She said she appreciated it even more since she had taken the classes and watching the Professional Chefs give demonstrations she was awe inspired and now knew that she could truly achieve her goals.

When I do get a day off soon, I will spend it in my gardens. My lavender garden is overrun with weeds and we need to take them out and line the garden with bark.

Frog on Dahlia Leaf

One joy of our dahlias was finding this very small frog. I measured it and it is smaller than my thumbnail!

Frog on Red Dahlia

One view of our pond

Another view of our pond.

Our pond is so restful to sit near. Even the birds do not pay any attention to us, but go about drinking the water and taking a bath.