My kids started school yesterday.  Summer seemed especially short this year, if you ask me.  I’m not sure I got my money’s worth.  I sure like them being out of school.  Not only does it mean we can stay up late and go out of town when we want, it means I don’t have to yank them out of bed in the morning.  I’m proud to report we’ve been on time the last two days, though.  If we can make it a week it will be a personal best.  Anyhow – not too much longer and fall will begin officially.  I know that’ll make fellow blogger Kristin happy.  I like fall, too, with its pears and pretty colors.  And that feeling of new beginnings left over from all those first days of school of my own.

We just finished up our Chef Showcase here at Living Light – the live part anyway.  I was here for the last day and was able to go upstairs and watch Vinnette’s demo of her raw version of strawberry shortcake.  It was so good – oh my stars!  Super delicious!  And – she added a tarragon and black pepper syrup that was fabulous and soon to be featured in my kitchen.  If you want to catch this year’s show you can still order the on-line version which comes with a live teleconference with each chef.  Cool, huh?  I totally recommend you look into it if only for the recipe book so you can make that shortcake!