Well – we made it.  All that’s left is New Year’s and at my age it’s not the pressurized deal it used to be.  Yay!  I’m happy to report I had absolutely lovely winter holidays this year.  I was skeptical for a while there and even wrote a mean spirited blog about being newly single for the holidays which dear Kate, Living Light receptionist, suggested I hold off on publishing.  Wise woman. By the time they actually happened, all was well.  I wound up feeling a lot more grateful than wistful and focusing on abundance rather than lack.  Good for me.

So – no more gifts till Valentine’s Day.  Speaking of which, have you been checking out our new Hot Raw Chef Video Recipe Contest?  It’s a Sweet Valentine contest, just like last year, only this time the recipes have to be low-glycemic and gluten free.  I’m looking forward to watching the videos and am bound and determined to make 2012 the year I remember to vote for my favorite.  Keep an eye on our Hot Raw Chef site to be a part of this fun and healthy way to start the New Year!