Today is the last day of twenty ten and I just can’t help but feel a bit reflective. I think I’ve had enough coffee not to get too sentimental – but I’m definitely looking back a little nostalgically. I went through a lot of changes in 2010, some outward and some internal and I’m ready for a year of maybe a little less upheaval. I have moved twice this year. Not the fun kind of “hey the new house is finally done!” moving, just the boring old “we have to drag all our stuff to another house” kind. Hopefully I don’t have to do any of that in 2011. And, I’ve had to do some growing and some letting go. I’ve had to make myself vulnerable (my very least favorite) and I’ve had to accept all sorts of things I don’t like. The good news is that all this moving has finally brought me to a wonderful cozy home and all the growing and accepting and vulnerability has made me better able to appreciate and love everyone in it.

How was your year? For a lot of you, 2010 was the year you graduated as a certified raw food chef from Living Light. For some of you it was the year you came back to Living Light to take Pastry Arts – Unbaked! Some of you completed our brand new advanced Science of Raw Food Nutrition series and are ready to be science instructors yourselves. Those are some big, fabulous accomplishments. Congratulations, Living Light Class of 2010. I’m super proud of you! Are you ready to greet a new year? I am.