Billie HollidayListening to Billy Holiday while I write this blog…the song playing right now is “Until the Real Thing Comes Along,” which makes me wonder about the nature of reality. What’s real? In my last blog entry I had a quote from Abraham Hicks about finding that “happy place” so that you are vibrating at the resonance of your desire. Sounds like heady stuff, but is it, really? I think almost every one of us has had the experience that when we are feeling good, the Universe seems to smile on us, making  it seem as though everything is just naturally falling into place.

Brenda's License plate

One of our graduates, Brenda Hinton, who now teaches FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods and Essentials of Raw Culinary Arts at Living Light, (as well as doing a host of other fantastic things), is a great example of this principle. A breast cancer survivor, she prefers to focus on the fact that she thrives, rather than just survives -check out her license plate! A week or two ago she completed a half marathon race. You just never know what she’ll do next! And she’s just one example of what our students can do. If you are not yet subscribed to our newsletter, I suggest that you sign up. You’ll be amazed!

woman madala

I’m a host on Womens Voices on a local public broadcasting station, KZYX, and I’m always encountering extraordinary women. The resiliency of the human spirit never ceases to amaze me – just last week I interviewed Deborah J Swiss who wrote a book about convict women transported from the British Isles who helped create one of the most democratic societies in the world in Australia.  Next week I’ll be honored to speak with Jean Shinoda Bolen, author, Jungian analyst, and activist. These thoughts on her webpage inspire me, and remind me of what we see every day in the students who arrive at Living Light:

“Activism and individuation (to find a meaningful, inner directed, chosen life-path) come together when the choices we make express who we are. There is a soul purpose to life. Be centered, and archetypes, dreams, and synchronicities provide depth and direction. As one phase of life shifts into the next, energy becomes free to take on something that is personally meaningful, fun, creative, and motivated by love.”

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