What kinds of toxins do we have in our bodies, and where do they come from?Lightweb

Here are just a few of the ways we are exposed to toxins every day:

Air pollution
Impure water
Food additives
Household chemicals
Beauty products – a big one!
Poor digestion

Since toxins are stored in fat tissue, it can be hard to eliminate them from the body – especially toxins that have been stored in our tissues for decades! Cleansing and fasting are two methods to help eliminate toxins, and get us started on the road to healing and reaching our ideal weight.

Both fasting (abstaining from food) and cleansing (eliminating harmful substances and choosing fresh, wholesome raw fruits and vegetables) are important choices to help us create optimal health.  If you want to improve your lifestyle and feel more vibrant and alive in 2014, a detox program with cleansing or fasting can definitely give you a boost and help reduce cravings for unhealthy foods!

Why cleanse?

shotsThere are many types of cleanses. In fact, a raw food diet is a form of cleansing, but its effects are slower and less dramatic than some cleansing programs. A popular raw food option these days is feasting on green smoothies for 15 – 30 days.

The good news is that undertaking a cleansing program can help your body, mind, and spirit prepare for a fast. During the cleansing process, choose light raw foods, smoothies, and juices, drink plenty of pure fresh water, and spend more time in nature. Meditation, walking, and yoga are three wonderful ways to help the body reach a state of peaceful homeostasis.

Cleanse for at least a week before embarking on a fast!

There are many types of fasts. Fruit juice and vegetable juice fasts are both popular, and some people like to combine the two. The combination of fruit and vegetable juices provide a lot of variety, delicious flavor combinations and plenty of energy. Three to six weeks on a combination juice fast is very comfortable for most people. No matter what fast you choose, be sure to drink lots of fresh, pure water!strawberry

Some of the benefits you’ll receive with raw food juice fasting:

Increased energy
Mental clarity
Release of addictions
Weight loss
Enjoying fresh raw foods
Improved attitude
Bright eyes and better vision
Clearer skin
A sense of well being

Be sure to begin a fast when you are mentally prepared, and physically ready. Don’t forget to take time to smell the roses, and take plenty of naps! Be gentle with yourself as you adopt these changes, and be sure to give yourself a gold star for every day you complete your fasting program. Share your stories with us – we’d love to hear about your experiences.

This post adapted from Raw Food For Dummies by Cherie Soria and Dan Ladermann. Click here to order your signed copy, and enjoy this video with Dan and Cherie making a healthful raw vegan recipe for Vitality Soup!